Preparing your Care Home for Summer

Preparing Your Care Home for Summer

It seems that 2024 is rushing by, as we enter Spring and look forward to longer, sunnier days ahead. Busy care home managers might feel tempted to put off Summer maintenance work on the buildings and grounds; however, now is the perfect time to get a handle on what needs to be done. Leaving too many projects for later in the year will only create problems with time management and resources further down the line.

Using a digital care management system such as Care Vision enables managers to schedule work, select suppliers and manage budgets easily and efficiently, with remote, 24/7 access making the process even more straightforward to keep on top of. Here are some key areas for Summer maintenance to check up on around your care home over the next few weeks.

Windows, walls and doors

When the sun comes out, it can light up all the dust, cracks and damage that has been lurking around the windows, doors and walls of your care home. When there is less rain and damp around, it is wise to check around the building and arrange for any necessary repairs. Clean the windows and glass in the doors too. This will make everything sparkle and provide a much cleaner, warmer welcome to your Spring and Summer visitors. Clean windows can also let in more natural light, reducing the need to have lamps on during the day. They also give residents and staff a much nicer view to enjoy during the day.

Gates, railings and ramps

Check the condition of any railings and ramps positioned around the grounds to make sure they are safe. Look for places where they may have come loose, or where damaged paintwork or rust could cause injuries or marks on clothing and hands. Remove any old or flaking paint first for a better result. Choose a milder day to paint external walls, gates, railings etc. This is because too much sun or heat will cause the paint to dry too quickly, leaving hairline cracks or sun patches that will spoil the finished appearance.

Gutters and pipes

While cleaning out gutters and drainpipes is often considered a Winter job, it is also helpful to pay them some attention at this time of year. Check them for fallen leaves, Spring growth and even birds’ nests, spiders’ webs and other potential blockages. Now is a good time, too, to check for damage caused by Winter frosts or frozen water that has expanded inside the pipes and cracked them. Do the same for your roof tiles. Broken tiles not only let in the rain, but make the exterior of the care home look uncared for and unkempt.

Garden maintenance

Many care home residents and their visitors really value the chance to get out and walk or sit in a beautiful garden when the weather is fine. Take time now to prepare the garden for summer. Jet wash any decking to get rid of moss, algae and other dirt and debris. Trim the hedges and bushes and give the lawn its first cut of the year. Deadhead the flower beds and refresh any pots and hanging baskets with seasonal plants and flowers to add colour to the scene. Plant out any perennials that were brought indoors to protect them during the winter frosts.

Ponds and water features

Looking after water in the garden is important in the run-up to summer. Still water can get stagnant and murky fast, especially if it is exposed to sunlight. Check that pond pumps and water features are working correctly. Keep ponds topped up with water if there are fish or other aquatic life in them and keep on top of feeding regimes. Likewise, ensure pond water is well oxygenated by adding a bubble fountain or similar. This will help maintain the health of any inhabitants, as well as keep the water itself looking and smelling nicer for longer.

Residents’ garden and outdoor project planning

Finally, gardens and grounds can offer great inspiration for planning seasonal activities for your care home residents to enjoy. Set up a gardening group if you don’t already have one. You can put in some raised beds and smaller herb gardens to make it easier for people to participate. Browse seed catalogues together to choose some flowers and vegetables to plant over the Summer. If you have any woodwork fans, or DIY enthusiasts, you could run workshops making bird tables or repairing garden tools, ready for the Summer gardening and wildlife season.