
Dependency Assessment

Keep Track of Residents’ Needs

Our dependency assessment tool helps you keep track of your care home residents’ requirements. An integrated dependency tool gives you a score to identify the dependency level of each resident. The tool can also help you detect any changes in their levels of dependency.

- Dependency Assessment

Attendance tracking software

In pre-digital days, care home staff routinely used manual clock-in systems and signing in sheets to record their comings and goings. Not only was this cumbersome and time consuming, it was also open to abuse and misunderstandings. Switching to a digital clocking in system removes the ambiguity and produces an accurate, central record for attendance management, payroll and security functions. Using attendance tracking software also helps people to analyse patterns in staff movements and timings of shifts. This enables more effective planning to be put in place and helps management to spot any problems or concerns before they become more serious.

Facial recognition software for clocking in

Our attendance tracking and clocking-in software uses the latest in facial recognition software to record staff movement at the start and end of shifts. This limits physical contact with the clocking-in device to aid hygiene management and eliminate cross infection. It also does away with the need for staff to keep electronic fobs on them at all times that can be lost or stolen. The tracking software also links directly to HR functionality that monitors attendance, breaktimes, sickness and lateness. The facial recognition software for staff clocking in works separately to visitor entry procedures, making the process quick and easy.

- Dependency Assessment

Configure Risk Assessment

Our tool is used to configure risk assessment at each stage in a resident’s care plan. It provides guidance to help nurses and caregivers eliminate risk and provide the best possible care to each resident.

Monitor Progress of Residents

Data from dependency assessments can be used to monitor progress in a resident’s condition. It evaluates how treatments are working (or not) to reduce a resident's dependency level. It can also set criteria for the number of staff members needed to manage residents’ care and assistance at any one time.

- Dependency Assessment

Key Benefits

Help improve and inform the treatment process.
Enable carers to make better decisions about the level of support required.
Allow carers to observe a resident’s health progress over a longer period of time.
Help you reach greater compliance standards.

FAQ’s Section

01What is the role of dependency assessment?
Dependency assessment is used to identify the individual needs of a resident, as well as how effectively a prescribed treatment course is reducing their dependency.
02What can a dependency tool reveal about a resident?
The A dependency tool produces a score that identifies their level of dependency. Factors can include diagnosed medical conditions, level of mobility, cognitive abilities and general behaviour and mood.
03How can this tool help carers and other healthcare staff?
The results from a dependency assessment inform how a risk assessment is drawn up for each resident. It provides personalised guidance so that the carers and other medical staff can concentrate on how best to care for the resident and keep them safe.