QR Code Scanning
Track Actions Accurately
Every resident can have their own, unique QR code next to their picture on the Care Vision system. During every interaction with the resident, the carer or nurse scans the QR code to verify and record their actions and observations.
This provides an accurate record of the tasks that the care home team has carried out for each resident, and the time at which the interactions took place.
Enable Carers to Scan QR Codes
Care Vision allows staff to scan their own QR Codes to confirm their identity and log into their devices without needing to input and login or password details. Also, if an action needs another staff member to sign off or oversee it, the second team member can use their QR code to perform this admin quickly and easily on the system.
Room QR Codes
Just as residents and staff members can have their own QR codes, so, too, can each room or facility within the care home. Whenever any housekeeping or maintenance tasks need to be done in a specific room, for example, the relevant staff member can scan the room’s QR code to confirm when it has been done.
Key Benefits
Provide security and identity protection for residents and staff.
Great for evidencing Night Checks
Increase transparency and information sharing between caregivers especially during Double Handed tasks.
Keep track of carers movements and actions taken for each resident.
Frequently Asked Questions
Simply open the device and point it at the QR code to scan it. Once it has been read, the carer will receive the information regarding the person or room connected to the QR code.
Access to healthcare information has never been simpler, thanks to QR code technology. You can scan QR codes placed in clearly accessible locations to retrieve the data you need to update records or provide individual care and support within the healthcare sector.
QR codes are important in care homes because they provide staff with a complete picture of each resident at the simple touch of a smart device camera button. They increase efficiency, save time and provides clear evidence that carers have carried out their duties towards the residents and when. They also add an extra layer of digital protection for sensitive and confidential data around medical treatments, medication dosages etc.