Guide to Going Digital
What Does ‘Going Digital’ Mean For Care Providers?
According to the Government, around 40% of UK care providers are still using paper-based records to run their facility or services ( SOURCE ). Former Health and Social Care Secretary, Sajid Javid, laid out ambitious plans in February 2022 to digitise healthcare services to offer a more inclusive, personalised and easy-to-access approach. A target of having 80% of care providers operating digital care systems by 2024 was also announced as part of a wider digital transformation plan for healthcare ( SOURCE ).
The Government’s Digitising Social Care Records Programme is being supported by £150 million from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). Work is also happening within the Department to bring the various digital bodies and services within the NHS under one roof with the merging of NHS Digital and NHSX. This work aims to reinforce the drive to encourage care providers to ‘go digital’ themselves by providing additional resources, key learnings and practical training and support
Why You Need A Digital Care Management System
A good digital care management system offers you a comprehensive solution to your operational needs. As its most basic, a digital care management system offers a secure, effective way of recording information and feedback about the care than an individual is receiving within a residential or social care setting. Additionally, it should be able to automate multiple processes and tasks to free you up to improve the quality of care you and your team can provide. A digital care management system should ideally come with excellent interoperability, in other words be able to integrate with other services and software programmes for a joined-up way of working. This connectivity is something that cannot be achieved quite so easily via paper-based systems.
Digital transformation programmes can help care homes and providers work more efficiently and be more flexible with other key services and organisations too, such as GPs, pharmacies, district nurses, specialist clinicians and social services. Records can be created, shared and updated in real-time to enable relevant parties to access the information they need and respond quickly to changes in a person’s wellbeing or circumstances to ensure consistent ongoing care. Having everything available digitally also supports an organisation’s auditing and compliance processes, while measuring business-critical KPIs.
Digital Versus Paper-Based Records
Other benefits that can be gained from to switching from paper-based records include more efficient administrative systems, enhanced data security, more time to spend doing the actual care work and greater scope for sharing information quickly and confidentially to the wider care team. This can improve the quality of care being provided, speed up response times and save lives.
Data that is collected about those being cared for can be safely and effectively collected and updated too, from medication records and healthcare details such as allergies to personal histories and family support networks. Other advantages include the fact that all records are typed up directly onto the system, doing away with problematic handwriting or lost paper files. This adds an environmental benefit too, with less printing and physical storage space required.
Ways To Help Care Providers Go Digital
Some care providers are still reliant on paper-based records. This could be down to a number of reasons. Perhaps they are anxious about making the switch to digital and feel comfortable with their current way of doing things. Above all, it is vital for a care provider seeking to make their first move into digital care management software to choose the right solution that will match their individual needs and grow alongside them.
Others may have started thinking about how digital care management could help enhance their services. They will typically think mainly about ways to digitise administration and record-keeping, rather than thinking more widely about integrating different systems or using digital software to run different aspects of their facility, such as medication management, staff rota planning or nurse call integration. Technical support and advice can really help this group expand their provision and discover new ways of working digitally.
Elsewhere, more and more care providers are switching on to the many benefits of operating a digital care system for more complex tasks, rather than simple admin. They welcome digital products and solutions and are keen to learn about new technological innovations and ways to streamline their working processes. They are often the first to embrace new innovations and ways of working and should be encouraged to spread the word and help others follow their lead.
Why Choose Care Vision For Your Care Management Software?
Care management software from Care Vision has everything you need to get your care home ready for the Government’s Digitising Social Care Records Programme in 2024. Start now by visiting the website to find out about the comprehensive, intuitive system. From eMAR, nurse integration and healthcare recordkeeping capabilities to meal planning and activity scheduling, the system offers the perfect way to ensure that your care home can deliver reliable, effective person-led care to all its residents and service users.
Care Vision’s digital care management software also supports families and loved ones with an easy-to-use electronic visitor book and information sharing capabilities. External care professionals, suppliers and contractors can also connect to the system for easy updates and appointment making in real time. Finally, staff can feel better supported with digitalised rota planning, clocking in and HR features all integrated into the system. Full training and customer support give users full confidence and peace of mind.
Confidence In Our Services
Care Vision is proud to be included on the NHSX Assured Supplier list. This list contains only those organisations and services that have passed stringent quality testing procedures and selection criteria, judged against national specifications around core capabilities and financial stability.
What’s more, the Care Vision team is made up of experienced care service providers who have worked on the front line in social care. This means that they know exactly what is involved in running a busy care home and the systems and processes that are required to deliver the highest possible levels of care.