NEWS2 Chart

Now Use Digital NEWS2 Chart
Care Vision has converted the widely used NEWS2 chart into an intuitive digital format. A NEWS2 chart can help detect early indications of clinical decline before a resident's conditions worsens or becomes life-threatening.
Our digital NEWS2 chart is easily understandable for clinicians, nurses and carers alike.

Easy to Use
Add a new entry by going to a resident's profile, accessing their charts and selecting NEWS2. You will be prompted to provide details of six vital signs and any supporting details.
This will prompt an automatic NEWS2 score, along with pop-up messages to help with monitoring and responding to emergencies.

Save Time
When you enter data into the NEWS2 chart, the same information will immediately be imported into the corresponding individual charts.
It saves you having to manually enter the same important data multiple times into separate charts.
Key Benefits
Provides increased awareness and understanding of clinical deterioration.
Demonstrates higher standards of overall care.
Saves you from having to enter the same data again and again.
Presents residents with the best chance for a complete recovery.
Frequently Asked Questions
The NEWS2 system works by assessing a person’s state of health under six physiological parameters. These are:
- Respiration rate
- Oxygen saturation
- Systolic blood pressure
- Pulse rate
- Level of consciousness or state of confusion
- Temperature
Six physiological measurements are made and recorded by the NEWS2 system. These are: respiration rate, oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure, pulse rate, level of consciousness and temperature. Each measurement is scored between 0 and 3 and the sum of the individual points decides the person’s final NEWS2 score.