Nurse Call Integration

A digital nurse call system notifies medical staff when a resident is in need of medical attention and transmits the precise location of the person who has raised the alarm.

- Nurse Call

What is Nurse Call System?

Nurse call systems make it simple for care home residents to contact a nurse or other staff immediately if needed. It can help staff deliver excellent, rapid care to their residents.

The system ensures that the call is acknowledged and answered by notifying workers on several platforms.

- Nurse Call

Integration with Major Nurse Call Systems

A number of major nurse call system technologies are integrated into Care Vision’s software. This ensures that residents can be cared for in a rapid and professional manner.

You can view the records of every call placed, ordered by location, day or time, along with the associated details.

- Nurse Call
- Nurse Call

Provide Complete Details of Calls and Their Response

Care Vision can record full details of each call made to the nurse. You can see, for example, which resident called, at what time, from which location, which nurse responded and what the response time was.

This information is all available remotely for easier monitoring.

Key Benefits

Assures residents’ safety and protection.

Staff can see and respond to calls via their Care Vision devices rather than just the wall Panels

Minimises and controls minor incidents.

Provides full reporting capabilities for compliance.

Frequently Asked Questions

A digital nurse call system notifies medical staff when a resident is in need of medical attention and transmits the precise location of the person who has raised the alarm. An available nurse or a carer responds to the call immediately, and provides the required help and support, or summons additional assistance if required.

Patients in need of medical help could be left in a potentially dangerous situation without a simple and convenient means to call nursing staff. People can access emergency medical assistance services more quickly via call systems, which can prevent them from coming to major harm.

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