Care Home Groups

Care Vision software for care home groups
Managing more than one care home brings with it several logistical challenges. It can be hard to keep track of what is happening where, and who should be at which site at any one time. Often, managers and other team members are called on to sort out issues and oversee operations at several sites in one day, meaning that they must be super organised and keep meticulous records of what is happening at each care home within the group.
That’s where Care Vision’s care management software comes in. The easy-to-use, comprehensive digital management system works remotely, allowing users to access and update records from anywhere, at any time.

Keep on top of all your care homes
Care Vision’s software system enables care home group managers to see what’s happening at each of their care homes at a glance. Essential features include staff rota, clocking in and HR functionality, plus eMAR records, accounting platforms and an electronic visitors’ book. Additionally, the system has a full accountancy platform so that budgets, expenses, payroll and tax compliance can all be managed in one place.
The system is set up for easy updating of details, downloading of reports and cohesive, consistent records for each resident and their requirements. Directors Dashboard provides outstanding analytics of KPIs within the service.

Want to know more?
Care Vision care management software offers users total transparency and accountability over all key administrative functions and systems. Managers of multiple care homes can compare records across different sites and double check the quality of data being entered, note-taking, staff training, rota management and more.
The software can be accessed remotely, both on- and offline to provide users with seamless, uninterrupted service and updates in real time. It can help care home group managers spot patterns, make adjustments as required and plan for future growth. Contact us today for a free demonstration.