Weight Loss Analysis

- Weight Loss Analysis

Weight Loss Analysis with Care Vision

Our digital weight loss feature can show whether a resident's weight is healthy or unhealthy by combining their BMI (body mass index) and MUST (Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool]) scores.

This feature gives carers a better understanding of the resident’s health status and nutritional needs and helps set weight-related targets and action plans. This is done by regularly inputting the person’s weight and checking them against expected parameters.

- Weight Loss Analysis

Make a “MUST” Score for a Resident

Care Vision’s overall weight loss analysis care assessment functionality includes several components, one of which is the “MUST” score. Carers should complete the nutrition and hydration sections to make sure all risks and affective factors are taken into account for each person.

This then generates a “MUST” score that is used to inform a Care Plan that can be tailored to the resident.

- Weight Loss Analysis
- Weight Loss Analysis

Keep Track of Meals and Dietary Needs

Our software can be totally customised for each resident to reflect their medical and non-medical needs. Plus, it allows carers to track other key details, such as weight (according to height), fluid targets, calorie intake and more.

Carers can be better informed about each resident's specific health and dietary needs. It even keeps track of the meals given over the past 24 hours to provide carefully tracked, person-centered care.

Key Benefits

Increase understanding of the resident’s state of physical health and weight.

Access comprehensive, easy-to-read information in the form of charts and diagrams.

Keep track of your residents’ nutritional intake and fluid targets.

Help maintain your residents’ health and wellbeing through careful weight monitoring and analysis

Frequently Asked Questions

Residents should be weighed on admission or readmission and then once per week for the first four weeks following admission. After that, they should be checked at least once per month.

Knowing the status of a resident’s weight is important for prescribing medication, checking fluid balance and assessing nutritional needs. It also helps to flag up any health concerns by tracking sudden or unexplained weight losses or gains.

A care or nursing home resident’s sudden weight loss may be a sign of an untreated sickness, medication troubles or emotional issues. This should always be carefully monitored and treated to prevent things from getting worse and weight loss from becoming unmanageable, further down the line.

Make healthy, tempting meals that can help your residents prevent weight loss by containing all the nutrients they require for a healthy diet. Check what repercussions their medication may have on their weight and take action to mitigate against anything concerning. Encourage people to eat regularly and avoid skipping meals if possible. A multivitamin/mineral supplement may also be introduced to ensure adequate nutritional intake.

Weigh the person every day at the same time for consistent results. A good time of day for this is to weigh the resident first thing in the morning, before breakfast. Always use the same scales and make sure they are evenly balanced and working correctly. Ask the person to remove their shoes to gain the most accurate reading.

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