Domiciliary Care

- Domiciliary Care

Care Vision software for domiciliary care

Domiciliary carers spend a lot of time travelling between clients, so keeping on top of admin, care planning and timings is crucial. Care Vision’s care management software is the ideal tool for people who are constantly on the move, due to the easy-to-use interface, remote accessibility and real-time updating and recording functions.

From staff rotas and shift planning to clocking in features, HR and payroll, domiciliary carers will find a large number of benefits from working with this versatile, sophisticated system.

Digital care management

- Domiciliary Care

Equally, recipients of domiciliary care will also benefit from the software in several ways. Accurate records can be kept, updated and produced on demand, while added functions, such as meal planning, eMAR medication and therapy tracking and budget and financial support tools. Carers no longer need to lug bulky paperwork with them, nor ask their clients to sign multiple copies of care records, timesheets and more.

The time they spend with their clients can be used more efficiently, providing the essential care and support to help them enjoy an independent, fulfilling life for longer. What’s more, the entire team involved in someone’s care can access the same information and keep in touch with just a few screen taps or mouse clicks.

- Domiciliary Care
- Domiciliary Care

Want to know more?

Care Vision’s care management software offers total visibility around domiciliary care services, support and activities. Accurate reporting, real-time updates and space to add notes, revisions and feedback enables a domiciliary care team to build a comprehensive, accurate picture of their clients’ care management processes and requirements.

The system enables better communications, easier auditing and reports and straightforward, effective planning and scheduling. Enjoy improved support and communications while out on the road and visiting clients in their homes. Find out more when you book a free demonstration with a Care Vision expert.

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