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Digital Care Home Management System

Customised Care home Management System for Advanced Digital Era

Introducing Care Vision​

Multi-functional Digital Care System

- Digital Care Home Management System
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Care Vision is a cloud-based, digital care home management system, designed specifically for care providers. It was created by care providers who were able to bring many years of experience and knowledge to ensure the system offers exactly what is needed to support day-to-day, frontline care. Care Vision brings together multiple care functions, such as medications and prescriptions, therapies, food prep, housekeeping, family liaison, visiting and HR. This enables information to be accessed more easily to streamline and manage care needs more effectively. Paperwork is reduced and time freed up to allow carers to spend more time looking after their residents.

Care Home solutions for each module

The beauty of a comprehensive care management solution like Care Vision is that every function can be managed under the same system. You can see full records for each person across the board, from medications people are on to their food preferences, visitor and activity logs and accounting details. Notes can be made for each module too, enabling each record to be fully personalised for seamless transitions around shift personnel changes. Care Vision modules include staff rota, visitors book, housekeeping, medications records, accounts and family liaison. Easily accessible, paperless admin tracking for the smooth running of a busy care home.

Advance Care Planning

Smart Care Home Medication Tracking System for

Medications and daily activities

digital care home management system
A large part of care home management is keeping track of medications that people are on and the frequency and times of day they must be taken. Additionally, there may be related therapies, health supplements and special diets that must be provided each day to ensure optimum health and wellness. Tracking this across several days and shift changes is made easier with Care Vision’s smart tracking function. Medicine stocks are easier to manage electronically. Medical notes can be kept in one place and changes made to medication regimes in real-time, meaning that the risk of making errors is significantly reduced.

Connecting family team, admin and operations with one system

Communicating with the families of those in your care is a vital part of any care home management. Ensuring that you have the crucial information about their loved one’s care at your fingertips means you can offer families reassuring, professional support and information whenever it is needed. Care Vision enables you to keep all family-related records in one place and to add to them quickly and easily for a fully updated overall picture. Family functions can be linked to administration, accounting and other operational modules within the system for easy, smooth control over all the important data and key changes.
digital care home management system for care providers

Smart Digital

Care Home Management System

Care Management

Designed from a user-friendly care perspective.


Simple and easy to use EMAR interface. Real-time audits

Visitors Book

Fully paperless, GDPR compliant, and includes visitor surveys.


Use our clocking-in machine to accurately record attendance.


Accounts is an essential part of any business.

Family App

Save on valuable admin time updating families


Housekeepers, Maintenance and Laundry staff hold


Food and nutrition care: Quality foods for healthy diet.


Care Home Solutions with 24*7 Support

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- Digital Care Home Management System

What Our Customers Are Saying?


Due to their background in health and social care, they spoke our language, wanted to build long lasting relationships, and supported us to move with ease from paper records to a cloud-based Care Management system.

- Digital Care Home Management System

Ruth Moore

Director of Quality, Clinical Governance & Risk Fairlie Healthcare Group


Care Vision has been a part of We Care Group for the last 18 months. We have used electronic care planning systems in many of our homes for a number of years but after seeing Care Vision we knew this would take our care planning process from good to outstanding.

- Digital Care Home Management System

Charlotte Cole

Regional Care Quality Nurse at We Care Group


"I have worked as a carer for over 20 years and for most of that time we had to keep hand-written paper records for all our residents. If an accident happened, we would have to complete an accident form, update the family, the management, make records in daily notes and the communication book… all this took up lots of time and sometimes the rest of the staff wouldnt even read the communication book! Now we're using Care Vision everything has changed, for starters I spend about half the time writing records. It let's me spend more time with my residents and I do think I've given them better help"

- Digital Care Home Management System

Susan Brown

Senior Carer at Oatlands Care Home


“We all know running a care home is really challenging. For me, keeping staff in check and ensuring that they are actually doing the work they say they’re doing used to be a big problem. With Care Vision I can see how much the carers are doing on the floors and it's easier to see if records like night checks are being falsified. It's taken away a lot of the stress we used to get from doing paperwork and handover is a lot easier now. I feel like we definitely have more time on our hands for the residents.”

- Digital Care Home Management System

Dr Sandeep Kapur

GP st Trinity Medical Centre


The carers have taken to Care Vision like a duck to water and the information that they are gathering is streets ahead of the previous system we used… we are very impressed and the customer service is outstanding. The support department of Care Vision is always on hand to sort out any issues, their knowledge is outstanding and they make it easy to understand – nothing is ever any trouble. I highly recommend taking a look at this system if you are wanting to meet your quality standards and CQC requirements.

- Digital Care Home Management System

Charlie Mason

Registered manager and director of Summerhayes Care

Learn More About Care Vision Application Through

Frequently Asked Questions

01Why is a digital care home management system essential?

Keeping accurate, comprehensive records about each resident in your care home is a fundamental part of the role of keeping people safe, happy and in good health.

Knowing the medications that people are on, any therapies prescribed and more is the most effective way of protecting care home residents. Having all this information available digitally removes the need for cumbersome paperwork and allows greater accuracy and easier access for everyone who needs it. A digital care home management system allows multiple care home staff and care givers to input information, giving a fuller picture of the resident and their needs.

02What is a care management system?

A care management system is a form of record-keeping around residents in a care home. It brings together all the information that care givers need to oversee their medical treatment, liaise with families, handle accounting and other operational functions. It also keeps care home managers keep track of business functions such as HR, accounts, procurement and health and safety. Care management systems are increasingly moving to a digital format with information stored on a computer or cloud-based storage system. This means they can connect electronically to equipment suppliers, email, phone and communication systems, data back-up functions and other key business tools.

03Why is care management important?

Care management is important for many reasons. First of all, it ensures that residents are properly looked after with all vital information pertaining to their care and wellbeing stored in one place. This means that any changes or updates can be noted and followed through, plus all associated paperwork completed. Proper care management also ensures that all procedures, processes etc. are carried out according to stringent industry standards to protect the patient and staff. Finally, it provides the residents with crucial dignity and control over their care and their families and loved ones reassurance that they are in good hands.