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How to Support family and friends of Care Home Residents with Dementia?

A new campaign from Dementia UK ( is highlighting what it is like for family members and friends who are supporting someone they love who has dementia. Called ‘We live with dementia,’ the campaign raises the important point that a dementia diagnosis does not affect one person, but also many others around them. When someone …

Fostering financial independence via Care Vision’s ‘Resident Fund’ Tool

Right from early childhood, the appeal of having money to spend on what we wish can have a strong allure. Not only to secure items or services that we need or want, but to enjoy the feeling of independence and security that access to money can bring. When someone moves into residential care, they can …

The importance of ‘soft skills’ in care work

In order to enjoy a successful career in the care sector, you need a mix of attributes and qualifications. While it is clearly important to have the correct clinical knowledge and formal certification, the caring role goes beyond ticking the right compliance boxes. Soft skills have always been a huge part of working with older …

The importance of having clear care home Nutrition Guidelines UK

Ensuring that care home residents have access to good quality, appropriate, healthy food and drink must be at the heart of all care home management. Nutrition is a basic human need, without which none of us can thrive. Caring for people who are older, disabled, unwell or vulnerable in some other way requires an even …

What should you include in a care plan for elderly people?

A key part of care home management is putting together care plans for elderly residents and those with disability and other vulnerabilities. Without a properly and compassionately formulated care plan, elderly and vulnerable residents may not receive the right support for their physical, mental and emotional needs. Carers will also not know how, when or …

Seven Pitfalls of Carrying on With Paper-Based Care Home Records

The technological revolution has changed the working practices of care homes up and down the country. Moving resident records, staffing functions, housekeeping tools and budget planning onto a digital platform has sped up admin, increased data security and brought about several other advantages for busy care home managers. However, not every care facility has made …

What is Person-Centred Software and Does It Live Up To Its Reputation?

Call to mind pretty much any sector and you will find plenty of industry-specific terms describing key concepts and activities. The care sector is no exception. One term that has been particularly prominent of late is person-centred care. In other words, putting the person receiving care at the centre of decision-making, feeding back thoughts and …

Reminder! Digital Social Care funding still available to support a move from paper records to digital care management

Back in 2022, the Care Vision team wrote a guide about how to ‘go digital’ and switch from paper-based records to specialist care management software. You can read it here . Since then, we have been delighted to welcome several new clients to the Care Vision family. Our expert team has helped them get going …

Ensuring Residents Feel Loved and Cared for This Valentine’s Day

At this time of year, everyone’s social media feeds fill up with messages about Valentine’s Day and ways of celebrating the wonder of love. While the day has traditionally been all about romantic love, there is plenty of room to celebrate the many different kinds of love that exist between people. From the tribute to …

Children’s Mental Health Week: How Care Vision Can Support Children in Residential Care

Children’s Mental Health Week is upon us, running from 5 to 11 February 2024. For many children living in residential care, mental health struggles can be as significant – or more so – than physical disabilities or other challenges that they face. This year, the chosen theme is ‘My Voice Matters’. The aim is to …