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Care Vision vs Others

We know that choosing the right service provider is extremely challenging as there are lots of options. That is why here is a comprehensive comparison of electronic care systems so you can find the right platform that fits your preferences.

- Care Vision vs Others

Care Vision

Other Care Tools


PASS by everyLIFE

Person Centred Software

iplanit by Aspirico

Why Choose Us?

We're the only care management platform that offers a free plan, giving you everything you need to go paperless.

If you opt for one of our paid plans or add-ons, we’ll calculate your bill based on the number of active service users you have.

We offer round-the-clock support via our online support hub and our live chat, giving you access to solutions when you need them.

With nearly 300 reviews and an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 on Google, rest assured you’re in safe hands!


Due to their background in health and social care, they spoke our language, wanted to build long lasting relationships, and supported us to move with ease from paper records to a cloud-based Care Management system.

- Care Vision vs Others

Ruth Moore

Director of Quality, Clinical Governance & Risk Fairlie Healthcare Group


Care Vision has been a part of We Care Group for the last 18 months. We have used electronic care planning systems in many of our homes for a number of years but after seeing Care Vision we knew this would take our care planning process from good to outstanding.

- Care Vision vs Others

Charlotte Cole

Regional Care Quality Nurse at We Care Group


"I have worked as a carer for over 20 years and for most of that time we had to keep hand-written paper records for all our residents. If an accident happened, we would have to complete an accident form, update the family, the management, make records in daily notes and the communication book… all this took up lots of time and sometimes the rest of the staff wouldnt even read the communication book! Now we're using Care Vision everything has changed, for starters I spend about half the time writing records. It let's me spend more time with my residents and I do think I've given them better help"

- Care Vision vs Others

Susan Brown

Senior Carer at Oatlands Care Home


“We all know running a care home is really challenging. For me, keeping staff in check and ensuring that they are actually doing the work they say they’re doing used to be a big problem. With Care Vision I can see how much the carers are doing on the floors and it's easier to see if records like night checks are being falsified. It's taken away a lot of the stress we used to get from doing paperwork and handover is a lot easier now. I feel like we definitely have more time on our hands for the residents.”

- Care Vision vs Others

Dr Sandeep Kapur

GP st Trinity Medical Centre


The carers have taken to Care Vision like a duck to water and the information that they are gathering is streets ahead of the previous system we used… we are very impressed and the customer service is outstanding. The support department of Care Vision is always on hand to sort out any issues, their knowledge is outstanding and they make it easy to understand – nothing is ever any trouble. I highly recommend taking a look at this system if you are wanting to meet your quality standards and CQC requirements.

- Care Vision vs Others

Charlie Mason

Registered manager and director of Summerhayes Care

Start delivering proactive care and finally have oversight of your service.